Tuesday 21 November 2017

Major Project - Pre-Viz Scene Concept Stills.

I've made some early Maya concepts featuring the setting of the final scene of my film, where my Avatar character discovers an old Lego plane hangar that the younger version of the character built around the unfinished plane when he gave up, symbolizing how in real life the model was hidden away in a box.

As this is one of the most important settings of the film, to really get an eye in for it I got my Test Spitfire Asset (with the addition of landing gear) and designed as close as I could imagine to a Lego Hangar. For the final design I can add many more layers to give it a smoother more detailed look to better replicate the shape of a real hangar, but fundamentally they're very simple buildings.

I will be seeing about getting some assistance with the Arnold lighting tomorrow with Alan.

Real historical Hangar I based the design on.

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