Saturday, 1 April 2017

Adaptation B - Fishman Head Fin/Sail Research and Feedback.

Before I finish the final design and Orthograph's I wanted to nail down what Nigel's head fin looks like. So below I've made some examples that were influenced by the images I have included below the drawings.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback on what you like and why. But also if you think any combinations would work tell me! for example:

"Hey, try the fin shape of head number 1 with the fin design of image number 5."

This will all be incredibly helpful, thank you!

P.S. - Potentially I am designing this so it can fold down closer to his head and spring up when antagonised. Like a fan.


  1. I like 2 and 3 the most, but it would be cool to see one with a trailing dorsal fin :)

  2. Quite like 6 :) looks a bit like a pompadour haircut

  3. 1 and 6 for me, simple and read better

  4. I'm loving 6 and 7 :D getting a real gorillaz vibe from a couple (this is a good vibe :D)

  5. If you want to fold it up and down then something like 2, 3, 4 or 7 could work. I like the punk-ish style of 7.

  6. نحن شركة المثاليه اكبر شركات النظافه العامه بامحافظة الجبيل
    شركة المثاليه لتنظيف بالجبيل
