Here are some renders of the lantern ring after I textured it, looking back i'd like to have made a couple of small changes to the model including weathering and cleaning up the Celtic Knot engraving but I can go back again and do that when I have more time. Overall I am happy with the end result.
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
Monday, 20 February 2017
Sunday, 19 February 2017
Adaption B - Visual and Narrative Inspiration/Influence MEGA POST.
I have compiled a list of influences and resources for myself and others to use for referral to my idea's for this project, so I can refer back to examples of what I mean.
Thanks to Joseph Crouch for helping me with this research
All of these have either a direct relation to Lovecraft or encapture themes of Lovecraftian Horror. And some are more towards the Idea of a super team, like The Avengers, who come together to fight a greater threat.
Graphic Novel Infuence
2 - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Graphic Novel
3 - Clean Room - Graphic Novel
4 - Constantine; Hellblazer - Graphic Novel
5 - Necronauts - Graphic Novel
6 -Trollhunters - Book/Animation
7 -The Department of Monsterology - Graphic Novel
8 -Hellboy - Graphic Novel
9 The "Canerverse" From Guardians of The Galaxy, featuring monster design that influenced the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 Film - Graphic Novel/Film
"Weird World War"
10 - War Thunder, Mecha Update - Game
11 - Achtung Cthulhu - Board Game Series
12 - Weird World War - Concept Art
13 - Necromicon, The Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft - Collection of Stories
14 - The King In Yellow - Lovecraft influenced Novel
15 - American Gods - Novel about Elder Gods
Ancient Order developing and persisting to the Modern Day
16 - The Knights Templar
17 - The Creed of Assassins - Assassins Creed Game Series
18 - The Ghost Busters - Modern Day Example
I have included these as they go along with my idea of an organisation that fights off evil and the different forms they may take through time.
19 - Stranger Things - Series
20 - Ash vs The Evil Dead - Series based on films.
21 - Supernatural - Series
22 - X-Files - Series and Film
23 - Monster House - Film
24 - Atlantis: The Lost Empire
25 - Pacific Rim - Film - Kaiju Concept Art
26 - The Thing - Film
27 - Guillermo Del Toro's Creature Design's
Video Influence
Dead Space - Adaption of Lovecraft Ideas
Call of Duty Zombies - Example of Weird World WarBloodborne - Best video game example of lovecraftian Idea's
Pacific Rim - Guillermo Del Toro's Lovecraft Influence for the mass market (I love this film)
Treasure Planet - Potential Character Style Influence?
Friday, 10 February 2017
Tuesday, 7 February 2017
Mudbox Class Exercise - Green Lantern Ring Part 1.
We were told to put what we have learned to work in a multi week task, I decided to go for a small object that I could put alot of detail into. And as I was reading Green Lantern this morning I decided to design my own Power Ring that the Lanterns wear. I first made it in Maya, and then took it into Mudbox to add details.
So far the only additions I have made in Mudbox was the Celtic Knot pattern wrap around, which I used the Stencil tool for, this is only a test version though and I will make a cleaner detail stencil next week.
An example of a Power Ring from the Comics.
Monday, 6 February 2017
Saturday, 4 February 2017
Mudbox - Home Practice, First Head Attempt.
I've started playing with Mudbox on my home desktop in an attempt to increase my ability with the software, so I thought i'd start with a human head bust.
(I have included the original pre-made template for comparison)
What I have learned from this exercise is that Eyes and Lips are very difficult, I wasn't too happy with either on this model but didn't want to play around with it forever, I will ask Simon for advice in the future.
any feedback and advice would be appreciated! :)
Friday, 3 February 2017
Brad's Inspirational Spotlight and Study: Blizzard Part 2 (Follow up)
I found a recording of the conference from Blizzcon that goes over the production process of the shorts, a really interesting watch for anyone on the course!
(even features using video reference at 21:40 seconds which is currently what we're covering in Maya classes.)
And I also found a panel from the Zbrush Summit conference that for the first 15 minutes features one of the head animators from the shorts who goes over some of the specifics in more detail,
(even features using video reference at 21:40 seconds which is currently what we're covering in Maya classes.)
And I also found a panel from the Zbrush Summit conference that for the first 15 minutes features one of the head animators from the shorts who goes over some of the specifics in more detail,
Brad's Inspirational Spotlight and Study: Blizzard's Overwatch, Zbrush Models and Short Films.
I recently saw a blog post by Blizzard HQ about the release of rendered models from their last game Overwatch, and as a big fan of the game I was excited to see.
I like Overwatch not only due to its fun and competitive multiplayer, but its style. The art style that Bilzzard chose is a both stylised and highly appealing, blending highly detailed models with a more simple style.
As someone who has recently discovered Mudbox and Zbrush and is interested in perusing and increasing my skills more in this type of design I found this post very Insightful and Inspiring.
So here our some of my favourite examples they had to show, but the full post can be found here:
And here our some of these models in action.
Outside the game they are even able to make shore films to show the games Universe and Narrative, in a BlizzCon interview the film animators gave they mentioned that the models they use for the Films need to be different than the ingame models, due to one not transitioning well enough to the other. Changes included more realistic hair and more detailed textures. I will need to look into the differences between game models and film models more often.
Here is one of my favourite shorts "Dragons" featuring the characters Hanzo and Genji whom can be found in the images above in their game form.
And finally here is a short Making Of film they published.
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