Monday, 19 September 2016

@Phil - Group Project, Logo Design.

After we decided on the name of our group, I set about designing the logo, I went through many iterations and the team and I bounced around many idea's and gave feedback on changes, until eventually we got the final design.

Started of with simple Ideas.

"Looks too much like the fantastic 4 logo"

The compass design had been done many times before.

I was trying to find different ways I could include the 4 D's, maybe a playing card ?

I eventually tried this skull in profile, but couldn't think of a way to make it relevant,
so I tried drawing it from the front.

The idea we liked was that we made the 4 D's the teeth of the skull.

Here was the final rough version of the Logo. Now we go digital.

The four final thumbnails.

Final Designs.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

@Phil - Year 2! Group Project!

Its almost time again, in only a couple of weeks we will all be back at work, a very exciting time for me personally because this will be my year to prove myself in a new scenario. Can't wait!

I have also been assigned to be the team leader for the group project, which is awesome! I'll do everything in my power to make sure our team delivers something fantastic.

We have chosen to go by the name D4C Studios, and have already designed logo's and few assets that can be applied to the blog we are setting up now.

Can't wait to show everyone what me and the team are capable of!